Friday, March 30, 2007

TUANZ Auckland Chapter 2

Well we managed to get home from TUANZ without causing any major interruptions to Auckland's free flowing traffic system. The minor interruptions hopefully won't even make the News.

Anyway, one of our group managed to win one of the prizes of the day - they didn't know what they were giving him and he didn't know what he had won - needless to say, he's still walking....

Anyway this is just to wet your appetite for more. I am going home to rest my weary feet and to tutu with all the marvelous websites that I managed to overhear while I was pretending to be interested in the exhibitions.

Noho ora mai

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Quick Tips:

Have you tried using:

Shift + F3 to change case (upper, lower, initial)
Ctrl + [ to decrease the font size by one point
Ctrl + ] to increase the font size by one point

Alt F4 to close programme
Alt Tab = to switch between programmes

Thanks to the latest CETA Newsletter for this.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Kia ora
This is the second blog I have blogged. The first one disappeared. However I will not cower from such a display of cyber power. I shall blog on.

On Friday five of us will brave the elements and go to TUANZ in Auckland (what a disappointment). We have the van booked. We will brave the Auckland bridge traffic and front up at ...... (where is it again?)

However, should we return from such an intrepid journey we will blog you again from school. Should we not manage to return we will blog you any way but this time from www.lostinspace.paerangi.don'tblamethedriver and don't bother clicking on this either you might find you self destruct in five minutes.



Kia tatou,

Just an update on our SKYPE meeting last night and of course I was voluntered t0 yet again to summarise our discussion.

So here goes;

We decided that the LEAD teachers would meet ONCE a week via VC and SKYPE.

WEDNESDAY - VC (1pm - 1.20pm) Starting next week 4th April

TUESDAY - SKYPE (8pm) the week after

Yes ALTERNATE each week.

ANG is going to send each LEAD teacher a HEADSET and will ENDEAVOUR to hook us up with a WEBCAM too (yay more toys). (Thank you)

TUESDAY MORNING PD via VC will still continue 7am - 8am. However, for those who are unable to attend the morning session, there will be an AFTERNOON session at 4.30pm - 5.30pm just for you on the SAME day.

The PD sessions (on Tuesday Mornings) will be based on what you circled on the
"HUI EVALUATION" sheets we ALL filled out.


We need for you to SELECT 2 students (not 3, not 4) from your school to be a part of a video that we will use to register into a digital COMPETITION.

TOPIC - "We don't use technology" (while students are texting, emailing e.t.c)

SIMON is going to do a DEMO for us to veiw next week. (Thank you)

Last one;



Thanks for the TUANZ update - interesting stuff.

As you may know I'm being hosted by the ICT Advisory Task Force to attend the secondary schools sessions in Auckland after our conference on Thursday.

I'm looking forward to it but doubt I'll win any prizes :-(

More when there's more...


Thursday, March 22, 2007


Just letting you know that I have been trying to get my 10 Rumaki class on board, oh my goodness what a mission.
Ang has had to delete some things for me cos I've been inviting the students to the Paerangi instead of my own. "Yes I do want them to know what we do, NOT"
Sorry .....

Simon says...

Thats all good! The whole point of this is to jump in and give it a go! Congratulations for getting the class involved! It gets easier the more you do it and don't forget we are all here to help!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

TUANZ Conference - Palmerston North

All in all a good conference - particularly (I'm sure) to the new teachers being introduced to the cluster. I've never seen so many Interactive Whiteboards in one place!
The keynote speaker from the US was Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, who enlightened us further on the need to get the students to embrace the technology and who was a firm advocate on Blogs, Wiki's and several hundred other forms of "Social Networking"... :)

I noted in particular, that more than a few fellow attendees seemed quite overwhelmed by the influx of sites to see, use and research - so the words from Sheryl about "do one at a time" (because who are we doing this for?) became ever more poignant.
Don't rush in lock, stock and barrel - I would suggest the first thing if you are unsure of which step to take first would be to create your own blog - make it private and have a play! (I'm waiting for Pa Nick to jump in here and advertise his site from last year)...

I'll add more soon.....

(Paerangi does it again - all 3 schools managed to win a prize in the lucky draws! - haha!)

New Links
Thanks to those who have suggested links so far - take time to have a looksie and make use of them!

Ooh! Another thing, you may have noticed that the "new post" link has disappeared - so if you want to add a new post to the blog, go to and log in (you need to look for the "dashboard" link at the top of the page...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pioneer blogger

Hi all
What a cool way for us to keep in touch.

film reviews

Film Reviews

This is a fabulous website for up to date film reviews. It will even give you all the casts and credits for older films too. Definitely worth a look.

Positive Attitude

Hi all,

Sorry for taking nearly all day to post this. Any way I found a cool as website about "Positive Attititude" . I think it's brilliant. Personally, I need to take this on board especially the "Sleep more Soundly" and the tips that are there to help us. So what are your thoughts? and how can we instill this into our students?

My first blog!

Once you get on to it it ain't that hard, except I don't know what to say now I'm on. So what is the protocol in blogland?

See you in the real world tomorrow at TUANZ!

Nicky TMGC

OK - I'm on

Blogs are fun but I wont have to use the HTML features to make a bold statement :-) It looks like WYSIWYG does it for me. Neat!



Kia ora Te Aute, Hukarere, Hato Petera

Sorry you guys couldn't join us this morning. We learnt all about blogging and creating a blogger account.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Welcome to all!

This is the first post in our new Blog. You can use this website to post your thoughts and ideas on how the cluster is progressing at any time. If you cannot post, please send an email to to make sure your name is added.
