Thursday, October 4, 2007

Aucks - check us out

Right - I"'ve never seen the tops come off so fast" quote of the week Simon!
Where are we? We were at all the break outs of course!
We've learnt sooooo much.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors, me (Kathy) who should have started this blog but gate crashed Terris - The organisers of ICTPD, God, my parents, my mokopuna for allowing me to leave them in hawkes bay with their koro, my dad, who wanted me to stay in Edgecumbe, of course Arnold who I gave all the time to and left him at home... now he's in Edgecumbe with my dad... I'd like to thank Sarah...Terri...Ang of course...Dawn (Hmm) who suggested we gather pens to equip our classes for term 4, Simon for flying off into the casino, Rawinia whose flying off down to the 'sunny' hawkes bay - and Takapau for having her, Hato Petera for not! I'd like to thank Sky City for their food - NOT!!! My neice for coffee - Yes! The flax bushes we're raiding for our own BREAK OUT on Friday at H.P and not the computing kind! Last but not least my Maori side for the only comment in Maori - Ka Kite see you at the table somewhere tonight!!!!


ictteacher said...

Well, you lead teachers are too much all right. I'm sure all our colleagues will be looking forward to your reports at our end of year hui. The one thing I have learnt from this conference is.... we soooo need some more money!!!! It's very cool dragging the tumuaki around all the stalls. I highly recommend that you always take your tumuaki to these conferences so that you can show them all the cool stuff then get them hooked so they want to buy it. Also, something to ponder - should we really keep fighting against our kids by not letting them have their mobiles in class? After all - do you ever leave yours behind during meetings, workshops etc etc.....???? What about leaving their phones on silent and with bluetooth enabled? Our keynote speakers were extrememly inspiring - EwanMcIntosh from Scotland really challenged our ways of thinking - now Dawn wants to go to Scotland!! :) I have lots more to add yet, but will come back later.

ictteacher said...

Oh and by the way - go check out Twitter that we just learnt about. It's another social networking and blogging site that you can send text based messages to the site via SMS, IM and email. Sounds cool. I haven't been in yet as it's being worked on at the moment and won't let me in.

Kathy@TA said...

Tena Koe, well they do have their phones on vibrate and they do have head sets for their music while they work, and you do the same thing too. Don't you!!!

It would be cool to have the Principal tag a long but... what about later.

And what about bebo??!! so many decisions and discussions to be had. Yes Scotland for a ulearn conference run under Paerangi - maybe we could practice a Paerangi Ulearn at Hato Paora for an overnighter and then make the necessary changes to present to others outside of our roopu.

Anyways been good - I think that I have completed my milestone but feedback would be good - did I do it right? Did I miss something???? You know.!!???

I'll catch this later

PaerangiICT said...

Im still not sure about cellphones in class yet. I know I won't be allowing it any time soon, altough I do think you could try it with you seniors first and see how it goes. As for Bebo, not on my watch! I do agree that social networking sites can be a popular tool, but when I decide to use them, it WON'T be Bebo. Too hard to police during class time!

Great four days though - learnt some good lessons and gave the old school budget a bit of a nudge!

Thanks to Brother David, Kingi, Rangi, Timoti and Rowena for hosting us!!

PaerangiICT said...

Im still not sure about cellphones in class yet. I know I won't be allowing it any time soon, altough I do think you could try it with you seniors first and see how it goes. As for Bebo, not on my watch! I do agree that social networking sites can be a popular tool, but when I decide to use them, it WON'T be Bebo. Too hard to police during class time!

Great four days though - learnt some good lessons and gave the old school budget a bit of a nudge!

Thanks to Brother David, Kingi, Rangi, Timoti and Rowena for hosting us!!